Chen, F., Mac, G., and Gupta, N., Security Features Embedded in Computer Aided Design (CAD)Solid Models for Additive Manufacturing. Materials & Design, 2017. 128: p. 182-194. (影响因子: 8.4)
Chen, F., Luo, Y., Tsoutsos, N. G., Maniatakos, M., Shahin, K., and Gupta, N., Embedding Tracking Codes in Additive Manufactured Parts for Product Authentication. Advanced Engineering Materials,2018. 21 (4), article no. 1800495. (影响因子: 3.6)(Altmetric Attention Score 431分 位列该期刊第一)
Chen, F., Gupta, N., Behera, R.K., and Rohatgi, P.K., Graphene-Reinforced Aluminum Matrix Composites: A Review of Synthesis Methods and Properties. JOM, 2018. 70 (6): p. 837-845. (影响因子: 2.6)
Chen, F., Yu, J. H., and Gupta, N., Obfuscation of Embedded Codes in Additive Manufactured Components for Product Authentication. Advanced Engineering Materials, 2019. 21 (8), article no.1900146. (影响因子: 3.6)
Chen, F., Zabalza, J., Murray, P., Marshall, S., Yu, J. H., Gupta, N., Embedded product authentication codes in additive manufactured parts: Imaging and image processing for improved scan ability. Additive Manufacturing, 2020. 35, article no. 101319. (影响因子: 11.0)
Chen, F., Pinisetty, D., Gupta, N., Study of the Compressive Properties of Adhesively Bonded Carbon Fiber Laminates at Different Strain Rates. Journal of Adhesion, 2021. (影响因子: 2.2)
Linares, M., Aswani, N., Mac, G., Jin, C., Chen, F., Gupta, N., Karri, R., Hack3D: Crowdsourcing the Assessment of Cybersecurity in Digital Manufacturing. Computer, 2021. 54 (11): p. 58-67, (影响因子: 2.2)
Gupta, N., Chen, F., Tsoutsos, N.G., and Maniatakos, M., INVITED: ObfusCADe: Obfuscating additive manufacturing CAD models against counterfeiting. In Proceedings of the 54th ACM/EDAC/IEEE Annual Design Automation Conference (DAC). Austin, TX, USA. June 18-22,2017. (CFF A类会议)
书章节:Gupta, N., Chen, F., and Shain, K., Design Features to Address Security Challenges in Additive Manufacturing, in Manufacturing Techniques for Materials: Engineering and Engineered.T.S. Srivatsan, T.S. Sudarshan, and K. Manigandan, Editors. 2018, CRC Press: Taylor & Francis Group. ISBN 9781315104133
杂志封面:Front Cover: Advanced Engineering Materials 4/2019. Advanced Engineering Materials, volume 21 issue 4, 21: 1970011.